A Horse Race Night Fundraiser has many Possible Revenue Streams
This chart contains approximate profit totals from a recent Horse Race Night Fundraiser from 2018. About 200 guests generated approximately $14,000 derived from 6 different revenue streams. Of course, there's no guarantee that your event would generate the same profits but, after running over 100 Race Nights, it is reflective of an average profit with 200 attendees.
An brief explanation of each Revenue Stream follows:
An brief explanation of each Revenue Stream follows:
Attendance Donations
While most events do choose to provide food and drinks with the price of admission, some organizations choose a cash bar to compensate the venue in return for a discounted venue rental fee.
Our average event in 2019 charged $30 per person for attendance so 200 guests generates $6000 in advance of the Event. |
Wagering Revenue
Since most Fundraiser guests are not experienced gamblers, we only accept bets for the race winners. We'll run 10 Races with 10 horses per Race. All parimutuel tickets cost $2 but the attendee can place as many $2 bets on as many horses as the want. 50% of the total revenue goes to the organization and 50% is distributed between the guests that hold the winning tickets. In the example, 200 guests wagered $6000 and netted a tidy $3000 profit over 10 Races. The iDEC uses a unique algorithm to calculate the odds which are broadcast throughout the event.
Horse Ownership Drawing Contest
We'll provide you with a blank Horse Naming Form. Prior to the event, you can sell the opportunity to name a horse for $20. The Horse name will be printed in the Race Form and appear on screen during the event. At the completion of the 10 Races, the names of the 10 Race winners will be placed in a hat and the owner of the horse that's picked can win half the total Horse Naming Jackpot which can be as much as $1000. Pretty good return on a $20 entry!
Advertising & Sponsorship
Sell ads in the Race Form and for broadcast on the screens during the event. We'll design the ads and "commercials" at no extra charge. This can be quite profitable and can establish strong relationships between your organization and local business owners. In this example, the organization sold 10 ads at $100 each and generated a $1000 profit.
Chinese Auction
Always a fun, profitable, diversion is the Chinese Auction. Admittedly, it's challenging to accumulate an enticing collection of Baskets but, with a little effort, this can add another $1000 or more to your bottom line. Of course, baskets donated by local businesses or supportive individuals are ideal to maximize profits.
Wheel of FortuneWe'll supply the Money Wheel and the numbered game cards and your guests will supply the profits. If the wheel lands on your number, you win $100! Each number sells for $10 so the fundraiser nets $100 per spin. In the above example, the wheel was spun 10 times so the organization profited $1000.
Auction RaceTime permitting, the 8th Race can become an Auction Race. We ask that your guests pool some money with their friends and purchase a horse in the Auction Race. All 10 horses will be auctioned off and the owner(s) of the winning horse will win half the accumulated Jackpot from the auction. When the Auction Race is included in the program, it will often add $1000 or more to the fundraiser's profit line. In the above example, the auction race did not occur.